Gewaltschutz in Münster

Informationen zum Thema Häusliche Gewalt

Englische Männer

Men as victims

Men often find it difficult to see themselves as victims of domestic violence or stalking, and to get help and support.
Since sexual violence can be a part of domestic violence, men in this situation can seek assistance at the counselling centre Zartbitter Münster e.V.
Here you have the choice between a female counsellor and a male counsellor.

Information about the counselling centre can be found at:

Information for gay men who experience violence in their relationships can be found at:

Men who are affected by forced or arranged marriages have great difficulty confiding in someone, since it is a subject tainted by shame, and also because there are so few counselling centres that have something to offer for this particular situation.

There are no such counselling centres in Münster, either. However, support can be provided in individual cases by the counsellors at Zartbitter or through the Caritas crisis and violence counselling centre.

Gewalt gegen Fraue geht alle an!

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08000 116 016

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Das Hilfetelefon „Gewalt gegen Frauen“ bietet Betroffenen erstmals die Möglichkeit, sich zu jeder Zeit anonym, kompetent, sicher und barrierefrei beraten zu lassen.