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A life free from violence for all women and girls is not a privilege, but a human right."

Sarah Wiener, star chef and patron of the bff (Federal Association of Women's Advice Centers and Women's Emergency Hotlines)

Support and information on the topic of “domestic violence”

Support and information on the topic of “domestic violence” Domestic violence is a problem that knows no social boundaries in our society. In order to break the cycle of violence, we need trained specialists and differentiated offers of help - and people who don't look away when they are worried about a person in their social environment.

Here you will find advice and support if you are looking for help in Münster - and orientation if you want to help.

Our mission

The working group "Protection from Violence Act" in the city of Münster offers those affected guidance and information about counseling services in the city of Münster.

Experts receive in-depth background information.

In addition, his work contributes to raising awareness of a problem that affects one in four to eight relationships or families.

36 Organisations

are active on the topic of domestic violence in Münster.

We support and accompany you fighting 'domestic violence'!