Informationen for persons committing violence
Violence exists in various forms in every society and is perpetrated by people of all genders.
Factors such as social norms, gender inequality, power dynamics and stereotypical role expectations play a major role, so that disproportionately more men are perpetrators of violence.
This does not mean that women never commit violence, but they are much more likely to be victims of domestic violence than perpetrators of violence.
The men-related violence counseling takes up this complex situation below.
Causes and approaches to male violence prevention
Violence by men is still an integral part of society and cannot therefore be defined as a problem for individuals.
Violence plays a major role for boys in childhood and adolescence. Violent interactions with one another are often not even perceived as violence, neither as something that has been carried out nor as something that has been suffered, but is seen and accepted as behavior typical of boys. As perpetrators and victims, they are confronted with the issue of violence every day.
Exercising violence is a crisis behavior typical of boys and men. It's always a sign that they don't know what else to do and feel unmanly and small.
- A good fifth of men become temporarily or permanently violent in their relationships.
- Violence and especially domestic violence is not an issue just for certain sections of the population, but rather cuts across society and across age structures.
- Violence destroys trust and closeness.
- Violence destroys relationships and families.
- With vilonce you are destroying your future.
In order to work with perpetrators, it is important to understand what the violence serves them for. It is important to say goodbye to the traditional myths spread in society of the perpetrator as a monster and to accept him as someone who lives in our family, in our circle of friends, in our environment.
Violence counseling with men...
- is perpetrator work.
- is acceptance of the man and condemnation of the act.
- is confrontation of the perpetrator with the crime.
- is the development of self-responsibility, not control and conditioning.
- is boundary setting, as these men not only exceed their own boundaries, but also those of others.
- is uncovering the release of responsibility.
Men who are violent in their relationships and would like to change this can contact the following advice centers:
Internationale Hotline against violence: euline
In Münster: