Mia girls' house (Mädchenhaus Mia )
In our girls' home, we help girls aged 12 and over to develop into independent, responsible and decisive personalities. This means that we take them into our care, offer them a place in a residential group and help them to take control of their lives (again). At Mia, we offer them flexible and individualized short-term relief and long-term prospects for their lives.
Who we advise
Our target groups are girls (aged 12-18) who are victims of domestic violence or have experienced violence, or who are perpetrators of violence and their relatives.
We are an independent organization/own association.
Membership in the network:
Münster Working Group on the Protection against Violence Act, Working Group 'Against Violence against Women and Girls'
What we advise on
We focus on domestic violence, psychological violence, physical violence, sexualized violence, digital violence/cyber violence, crisis counselling, partnership conflicts for girls aged 12-18.
How we advise
We are a protective facility (girls' crisis house) and provide counseling in the form of personal counseling, we have a regular residential group, provide crisis intervention and telephone counseling and offer short-term help (also acute crisis/emergency).
Languages, accessibility and costs
Counseling in other languages/support through interpreting is possible in sign language, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Turkish.
We have a cooperation with Sprachlos e.V.
Unfortunately, we do not have wheelchair access.
Our services can be used free of charge.
Contact us
You can reach us by phone and e-mail.
Opening hours:
Around the clock: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Our postal address is:
Mädchenhaus Mia
Studtstraße 16
48149 Münster
Telephone: 0251 - 5 50 19
Further information can be found on our homepage: